Blog Income Recovery

How to pivot and bounce back after a major setback

Did your blog income decline because of the current economic crisis? If so, you’re not alone, mine sure did. In fact, my blog is projected to decline by $12,000/month!

Am I worried? No, not anymore!

I’ve been through this before, and I know what I need to do. I have a plan to grow and replace this income.

Don’t just sit and wait for recovery. Make a plan that will help you make up the difference in income through optimizing what you have and creating new content and products.

In this ebook, I will share my plan with you and show you how to create your own plan for recovering lost income.

What included in the ebook:
  • How to find low hanging fruit for immediate growth.
  • Ways to optimize your Top 10 posts for more income.
  • Alternative affiliate partners that will grow your sales.
  • How to add new income streams to take your blog to the next level.
  • 140+ pages of advice that will speed up your blog recovery.
  • Short term and long-term growth strategies.
  • Guidance on product creation - ebooks, printables, courses, etc.

"I’ve been blogging for 10 years now, so I understand all too well the ups, downs, and constant changes that come with it. What Debbie’s book provides is some structure to both understand the type of blogging income setback you’re experiencing, as well as how to prioritize your next steps so that you can move forward into recovery as quickly as possible.

I spent just 20 minutes implementing one specific tip from the 151 pages – applying to a new affiliate network she recommends that’s perfect for my niche – and within 24 hours I had been accepted, placed my first link in an SEO-optimized article, and got my first conversion! I also figured out my new income goal moving forward, and several more pieces of “low-hanging fruit” I can work on to get closer to it (despite everything going on in the world, and in my business).

I love how she’s in it with you – you get a front-row seat into her brain as she processes her own business successes, specific income setbacks, and the exact steps she’s taking to come out better on the other side. Trust me when I say you will move forward inspired and knowing what to work on next, and then next. And then two months after that."

- Amanda L. Grossman, Frugal Confessions

"Debbie goes through everything you need to do if your traffic and income suddenly tanks. From optimizing what you already have to thinking up new ways to make money. Thanks to Debbie I'm not worried about the future of my blog. I have a plan to get back on track!"

- Emma Bates,

"Debbie’s ‘Blog Income Recovery’ eBook could no have come at a more perfect time for me. Her teaching style is easy to understand and her strategy is fantastic. Everyone in this industry right now could benefit from her teachings. Thank you Debbie for a great resource in these trying times and I look forward to bouncing back stronger than ever!"

- Sara Bacon Conklin, Frozen Pennies

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. You can download this to your computer.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Your Instructor

Debbie Gartner
Debbie Gartner

Debbie Gartner runs a successful home decor blog, She’s been blogging since 2010 and has leveraged the power of SEO to get over 500,000 pageviews/month and generates over $20,000 net profit a month. She has leveraged her blog income to pay off more than $238,000 of debt.

Debbie has coached over 100 bloggers on SEO, and she’s a best selling author of 2 very successful SEO Ebooks – Easy On-Page SEO and Easy Backlinks for SEO. She has sold over 3,000 ebooks/courses to bloggers and entreprenuers.

Get started now!